Tuesday, September 14, 2010

our awesome weekend, part 1

Lyndon and I got to hang out with a friend from college and her little girl this weekend. The boys (Adrian and my friend's husband) went camping, and the four of us stayed at their place. It was a fantastic weekend, but, alas, I forgot to bring my camera to most of it. We went to an open-air concert a few blocks away from their house (sadly, no pictures!), scored some Goodwill bargains, and visited the most raucous Presbyterian church I've ever seen.

The boys, meanwhile, hiked over 7 miles in 2 days, climbed a mountain, fell asleep on the beach, and made a Catholic pilgrimage (again, no pictures!). And no, they're not Catholic.

Let me just say how much fun it was to "play college" again. Yes, this time we had babies. But we got a chance to experience life together-- eating, laughing, talking, staying up late-- just the way we used to. We made tea and swapped advice, this time about parenting and marriage. It was lovely, and I hope to do it more often.

And then we took a group picture... or, rather, attempted to take a group picture...

Take 1...

 Take 2...

Take 398...

Finally, everyone held still long enough! (and we turned on the flash)

It was a lovely weekend. :-)


Ten Page said...

Okay, because I'm the token Catholic, I have to ask--how did the guys end up on a Catholic pilgrimage?

InDeeds said...

Haha. I love how everyone but Phoebe is happy in the last one. Silly Phoebe missed the memo about smiling.