Tuesday, August 24, 2010


*Update* As I read this post over, I realized that it sounds very whiney. Yes, today is a little tough. But it's not nearly as bad as it could be. So, let me offer some perspective. Today I am grateful that . . .

-- although I am physically uncomfortable, I am not in nearly as much pain as I used to be this time of the month. Having a baby, it seems, has been very good for my body.
-- although Lyndon is sick, he is not terminally, chronically, or mysteriously ill. I have never known the heart-wrenching anxiety of wondering if my child will live until tomorrow.We have never even been to the ER.
-- although getting ready for a new school year is taxing, my husband has a job... a good job... that he likes (most days)... and that pays all the bills.

*Original Post*
The other day, I read this post entitled "Strength for a Weary Mom". It encouraged me in the way that all wonderful, biblical truths do, but it didn't feel particularly applicable. I only have one child, who is at an age where caring for him is fairly easy most of the time. He's sleeping through the night but not crawling around the house yet. Eating solid food but not needing it. Taking two naps a day but no longer napping all the time. Life is good.

I planned, therefore, to put away this post and the accompanying verses in my mind until I needed them . . . maybe when I have a willful toddler on my hands, or maybe when the second little one comes along. In other words, not for a while.

And then, yesterday, Lyndon woke up with the mother of all colds, my body informed me that I am *ahem* capable of getting pregnant again, and Adrian reminded me that his kids start school tomorrow, so he needs his new school clothes washed and ironed.

And in the midst of constant nose wiping (and bulb syringing and soothing and rocking and middle-of-the-night fussing), cramps and headaches and exhaustion while the iron drains out of my body, and seemingly endless loads of grown-up laundry today, I remembered that post. I remembered those verses. I'll give you a taste . . .

"Galatians 6:9 says: 'Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.' May I encourage you to hold onto this verse as you seek to faithfully sow into the lives of your little ones? The harvest won't come today. And it won't come tomorrow. Maybe not even next year or the year after that.

But we must be faithful to sow today. Faithful to train. Faithful to teach. Faithful to discipline. Faithful to love. Or, as it says in this passage, faithful to "do good." And we must trust God that He will fulfill His promises, that we will reap a harvest in due season if we do not give up."

Lord, in the midst of weariness, let me be "faithful to sow today".

1 comment:

InDeeds said...

Its funny (as in NOT funny) how life seems to hit you with lots of un-fun things all at once! I am sorry its been a rough day! Nice work finding a positive perspective though!
And thanks for sharing the bible verse - definitely encouraging!